Strategic Shifts

Strategic Shifts | AI All Around Us

Strategic Shifts


As AI continues to evolve, social media platforms must evolve with it. Whether it’s AI features in apps, disclosures for AI content, or marketer-benefiting tools, AI is all around us when we go online. Read more about AI and other fresh features for each social media platform. 

  • AI Disclosure –– Meta is launching a new tag to label AI-generated content on its platforms to provide more “transparency and additional context.” Users can select the “Made with AI” tag when uploading a post, or Meta will add the label when AI image indicators are detected. 
  • More AI Tools 
    • Advertisers can now create full images with AI based on the original ad creative and a text prompt. 
    • Use Image Expansion to reshape creative to fit each advertising format for more ad placements and reach. 
    • Text generation can create variations for ad headlines and primary text. Soon, this feature will be able to reflect a brand’s voice and tone. 


Lagging Links –– With the push away from news content, Facebook referral traffic has declined by 50% over the past year, significantly impacting smaller sites. In 2024, Facebook referrals only make up 7% of page views for news and media sites, compared to 30% in 2018. 


  • Keep it under 90 –– At a creator event in New York last month, Instagram shared that Reels over 90 seconds can “hurt distribution.” Instagram also said that videos with third-party watermarks and that are low-quality are other elements that hurt distribution. 
  • Algorithm Updates –– Instagram is attempting to give all creators an equal platform in terms of reach by updating its post-ranking systems. If Instagram finds identical posts, only the original will be recommended to users. Plus, reposted content will start to include links to the original. 
  • Sharing really is caring –– The Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, said that shares are the most important metric for increasing reach. Mosseri explains, “Because we are looking to help people discover content they want to connect with friends over, and so sends is a great proxy for that sort of connection over creativity.”

More shares, more reach, ask us how we do it – get in touch with our team 


View Count –– As of early May, users can now see the view count for each post while using the app on Mobile. To see the view count, click on a post and look near the top of the screen. 

With the addition of view counts, Threads is offering top creators up to $5,000 for threads that receive 10,000 or more views to encourage more users on the app. 

AI-Generated Content Label –– LinkedIn is adopting the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) standard to identify AI-generated content. Images and videos identified as AI will be labeled with the C2PA icon, which users can click for more information. 

Best B2C ROI –– Several B2C marketers have seen success on LinkedIn, with 70% of marketers saying the platform delivers a positive ROI – putting LinkedIn ahead of both Instagram and YouTube. This year, millennials are expected to make up 35.8% of LinkedIn users, a key demographic for B2C marketers.  

How B2B Marketers Benefit from AI 

  • 58% of B2B marketers generate more content in less time 
  • 55% increase efficiency to focus on high-value work
  • 51% create more engaging content that resonates with their target audience 
  • 39% create more creative campaigns 
  • Marketing professionals added the following skills to their resumes last year: Prompt Engineering, Midjourney, DALL-E, ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, Generative Art, and more. 

Comment below on how YOU are using AI on LinkedIn. 

$6B in AI Funding –– X recently secured an additional $6 billion in funds for xAI to continue research and development of future AI technologies to compete with other AI leaders, some of which Elon Musk said will be announced “in the coming weeks.” Musk also hinted at more development for the X chatbot, Grok. 

X is officially –– As of March 17, X officially switched domain names from “” to “” almost a year after Elon Musk announced the name change. While some URLs began to change last August, all core systems have made the switch. 

Advertising Growth Stalls –– X continues struggling to attract advertisers as the platform recently announced a deal for $500 in ad credit for $250 spent. Musk’s attempt to make up those costs through subscriptions has not resonated. Additionally, the number of daily active users has not increased since Musk announced a record high of 250 million in November 2022, indicating stalled growth. 

Strategic Shifts

Key Insights on Leveraging Brand Awareness for Digital Advocacy 

When creating a successful digital advocacy campaign, it is critical to ensure brand awareness first and foremost. 

Use these tips from our own Lynn Leclerc to leverage branding to enhance digital advocacy. 

  1. Building the Awareness Cornerstone–– Start campaigns with a branding and awareness phase before shifting to a deeper action like subscribers, followers, or leads. 
  2. Construct Brand ID –– Building the foundation-setting campaign to connect audiences with a logo, imagery, mission, and issue alignment will give individuals a cohesive view of the organization and set the tone for what is to come. 
  3. Now, Act! –– Once an awareness campaign has been executed, retarget those individuals with a call to action. If your audience knows what you stand for upfront, they will be more likely to stand with you when it matters most.  

For more on maximizing your digital campaigns, ask Lynn! 

Now answer this one How have you or your company benefited from AI features and tools in the last year? 

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and X for more monthly insights on the latest news in social media and public affairs.