Public Affairs Specialist Claire Simmons Promoted to Senior Public Affairs Manager

Strategic Elements announces the promotion of public affairs specialist Claire Simmons to Senior Public Affairs Manager. In addition to her promotion at Strategic Elements, Claire also earns a new position as Senior Manager at the firm’s sister company, Kdence. 

Claire has been a critical member of the Strategic Elements team since she joined the firm at the end of 2020, and her promotion will result in more outstanding successes for client accounts. Claire will expand the firm’s expertise in grassroots and grasstops outreach, issue advocacy, and field management in her new role.  

Before joining Strategic Elements, Claire interned at the Iowa Secretary of State’s office in the communications department and worked for the office during the general election. In that time, Iowa achieved record voter registration and turnout, leading to a nearly flawless election-day execution.  

“It is an honor to step into the role of Senior Public Affairs Manager at Strategic Elements and Senior Manager at Kdence,” Claire Simmons said. “Strategic Elements and Kdence provide unmatched services to our clients, and I am thrilled to grow my role and eager to begin.” 

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