Communication Services

Strategic Communications Plans 

We believe that anything is possible with a strong plan and experts by your side. We have the tools to engage and connect audiences with a proven track record in media relations, thought leadership, social media campaigns, and media training. Our team knows target audiences’ political and cultural landscapes, which will deliver effective and robust messaging for any industry.  

Crisis Communications 

Not every move you make will be right, but we have your back. Our public relations experts know what it takes to build a strong and favorable brand with your audience. Understanding your institution’s nuances and audiences, we quickly assess the crisis, manage reputational risk, and minimize exposure.  

Messaging Frameworks 

Clear and consistent messaging are the keys to any successful campaign. Complex issues, policies, or industry standards are the bread and butter of our work. We know what makes a communications campaign digestible to understand. Our frameworks will spearhead unique angles and make your mission stand out.  

Speech Writing 

Speeches are a helpful tactic for public relations and thought leadership operations. From business pitches and publicity campaigns to press conferences, our communications team has seen and experienced it all. We know the best elements to the perfect speech encapsulating any message for your organization.  

Professional Writing Services

Grant writing is a form of storytelling and demonstrates your passion and commitment to achieve results. The Strategic Elements team is stacked with highly skilled, creative writers who help numerous clients secure funding through government contracts and grants. Our professional writing services for government contracts and grants and private-sector procurement allow you to share your story, your brand’s story, and secure the funds needed to drive results.